Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Totally Random Update with Jazz, Cookies and a Dream About the Pope!

Its almost morning and I'm waiting for butter to thaw. The butter is for the chocolate chip cookies I'm making. I got the idea from my friend's food blog (Foodsnob in LA), where she talks about making cookies using a recipe from the NY Times. I'm using the recipe plus her suggestions. But I'm not baking them yet, just making the dough. Apparently the key to great cookies is letting the dough sit in your fridge for at least a day to let the stuff all come together in a delicious way...or something like that. I'll be baking these tomorrow before I go in to work, so I can share them with work folk. Yay for sharing cookies!

While doing this, I'm listening to Miles Davis's Bitches Brew album. Its kinda crazy. I'm told by Wikipedia and my jazz-loving barista from work that its supposed to be one of his craziest albums, plus it has John McLaughlin on guitar, who I've been getting into. So far, its pretty good, you know, if you're into 27-minute long semi-improvisational jazz songs that feature three drummers, a percussionist, 2 bassists (one electric, one not), 2 electric pianists, an electric guitar and a trumpet. Wild.

That reminds me...I had a dream last night that took place in the Vatican.

I'm not sure how I got there, or why I was there. All I remember is that I attended services in St. Peter's Basilica, which I'm not even sure they do, but whatever. Plus, I'm not Catholic, so I don't really know why I was attending services anyway. The dream started just after services were over and I was getting up to leave. On my way out, I noticed a sketchy looking fellow dressed like a monk, which isn't too out of place, but he did look particularly sinister, you know, for a monk. He was headed for the back of the church, where there is presumably some sort of secret entrance into the non-public parts of the Basilica for clergy only, where they keep all the really cool things they don't let you see on the tour, like dead people's mummified body parts in little shrines...oh no, those are on the tour. Well, I'm sure they have some neat stuff behind closed doors, but its too early in the morning to come up with something really crazy for you.

At this point the dream wanders away from me and it cuts to the Pope in his Personal Jacuzzi...yeah, I said the Pope's Personal Jacuzzi, now don't interrupt me again. Anyway, the Pope, and I know it was the Pope because he had the hat on, even though he was in the Holy Hot Tub, which, I think, is located in the grotto, maybe? Plus, it was a dream, and you always know these important facts like who the Pope is in a dream. So the Pope was relaxing from a long day of doing Popely things in the Papal Spa in the Vatican grotto, when someone sneaks in, slips into the water and tries to stab him! Now here's where it gets kinda weird (?!), before this papicidal maniac has a chance to kill him, some crazy Quasimodo/Gollum looking guy, decked out in ornate vestments (though not Swiss Guard wear, which is unfortunate), jumps out and stabs that guy in the back to save the Pope.

Holy Crap!

The dream immediately cuts back to me, about to leave St. Peter's Square, when Tragedy of Tragedies, I realize I've lost my iPhone! So I have to go back into the Basilica and ask the nice lady in the lobby if I can go back and find it. I explain to her the importance of my iPhone, how I can't be without it for more than a few minutes without suffering withdrawals from not having immediate access to Wikipedia or being able to identify songs being played in the background within 20 seconds or compulsively checking facebook to see which friends have succumbed and posted their "25 Things You Neither Wanted nor Needed to Know About Me" things. She's a nice old lady and says yes, of course I can go back into the Greatest of All Churches of Christendom to search for my lost cell phone and sends some nice Swiss Guardsman to take me in and find it, which was awfully nice of her. Thank God, I manage to find it. Crisis averted. The end. I wake up and go to work.

Sometimes I like to analyze my dreams and derive some sort of life lesson from them, but I don't know if that's possible with this one. I'm not sure I want to know what it says about me that my brain would somehow equate the Pope getting killed and me losing my iPhone as equivelant tragedies. Maybe I don't actually have a lack of religion, I just choose to worship at the Shrine of Technology rather than ascribe to a church's doctrines. Perhaps I am actually a member of the Cult of Steve Jobs and instead of relying on the Holy Bible for inspiration and guidance, I hold my iPhone dear to my heart. Perhaps there is some truth in that, or more likely, it was just a crazy dream with Gollum saving the Pope from getting killed while relaxing in the Whirlpool of the Holy See (yeah, I had one more name for it that I wanted to use).

That's all. Thanks for reading!
